On Dec 9, 2007 5:20 PM, Jan Ciger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Felipe,


> This may not apply within a company, see above. The idea is that company
> is a legal entity as itself, it doesn't really matter what happens
> inside. However, again, I am not a lawyer ...

Thanks for the clarifications. My interpretation was that the company
as whole has the option of not distributing the software (as I have
the option of modifying any GPLed code on my computer and not
releasing it). The question that I was raising was that if some
employee could go against the company's will and, based on the fact
that the company (internally) distributed the software to him, use the
rights the GPL grants to redistribute it.

Well, this discussion is becoming off-topic and I may be acting
naively here =), specially when it comes about the interaction of the
GPL and the employee's contract, as you pointed out.

Thanks for your time,


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