Souvarine said,

>  Player A is playing with a hacked client, it compute a damage of 1000 HP
> instead of 10 HP as it should be, a good way to cheat.
>  Player B and C are playing on good client. Those clients compute that the
> damage should be 10 HP, when they get a result of 1000 HP from client A they
> both know that something is wrong. Then client B and C report client A as a
> cheater to the server, the server ban client A.
>  A mutual anti cheat system so to speak :)

not a bad idea..

what are the arguments against using a simple key exchange with the
game-server to authenticate a client, an md5sum for multi-player
gaming if you like? both client and server could be free-software, yet 
the client could not be modified without breaking sign-in with that
particular game-server.

i know this has probably been discussed many times over. if so, it 
would seem i'm not clear on where this theory falls down.



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