Jan Ciger kirjoitti:
> On the other hand, if you are building a decentralized system (no
> central server), this would be the way to go. However, such system would
> be rather inefficient and complex due to the need to vote on almost
> everything and all the data replication issues. With today's costs of

i think i agree.

in the arcade thing we are doing now, it is also otherwise ok to just do 
bounding box / distance checks / sphere scenequeries etc. for damage, so 
probably can be well done in the server. but am happy that now when 
making the basic gameplay building blocks, don't have to worry about 
that yet too much .. easier to come up with the protocol when it is 
clear what actually needs to be communicated.

btw http://www.gaffer.org/game-physics/networked-physics/ seems to be an 
interesting treatment on the topic:

*Disadvantages of client side prediction*

Client side prediction seems to good to be true. With one simple trick 
we can eliminate latency when the client character moves. But at what 
cost? The answer is that whenever two physics simulations on the server 
interact then snapping will occur on the clients. What happened? In 
effect, the client predicted the physics ahead using its own 
approximation of the world but ended up at an entirely different 
position from the physics on the server. Snap.

In our simple run and jump fps, this situation would occur if one player 
runs into another, tries to stand on another player’s head or gets 
knocked back by an explosion. The bottom line is that any change to the 
physics of a character that occurs on the server that is not directly 
related to a change in input sent from its owner client will cause 
snapping. In truth there is no way to avoid this. This is simply the 
cost of using client side prediction.

This leads me to an interesting point. The evolution of networked 
physics games is from first person shooters where characters run around 
in a static world while shooting each other, towards a dynamic world 
where players interact with the surroundings and each other. Given this 
trend I am willing to make the following bold prediction - client side 
prediction will soon be obsolete. I believe that the next generation of 
networked games will not use client side prediction because the snapping 
it would cause will be unacceptable. This generation of games will trade 
latency for an increased depth of physics interaction.

will be interesting to see what happens with this game we're making, we 
might e.g. get such explosion effects that move the ships etc. then 
again this is now in a static environment with fast movement so it may 
still make sense to detect wall hits (think terrain, level geom) in the 
client too.

> Jan


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