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Souvarine wrote:
> For your example about client side computation of damage, wouldn't it
> be possible to compute the damage on several clients and have clients
> to verify if the result they get from other clients is good ?
> Player A is playing with a hacked client, it compute a damage of 1000
> HP instead of 10 HP as it should be, a good way to cheat. Player B
> and C are playing on good client. Those clients compute that the
> damage should be 10 HP, when they get a result of 1000 HP from client
> A they both know that something is wrong. Then client B and C report
> client A as a cheater to the server, the server ban client A.

Certainly, this would work - it is a classical majority voting scheme.
However, there are two drawbacks:

- - What if you have only 2 players? (also, what if you have even split of
opinions? Who wins?)

- - Everybody needs to calculate damage for everybody else meaning that
everybody needs all the relevant info -> increased network traffic.
Furthermore, the negotiation of the agreement (voting) also takes
non-trivial time and bandwidth. Why to bother with all this when you can
do it at the place where all the data is anyway already - the server?

On the other hand, if you are building a decentralized system (no
central server), this would be the way to go. However, such system would
be rather inefficient and complex due to the need to vote on almost
everything and all the data replication issues. With today's costs of
hardware it would be hard to find justification for such design.


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