On Dec 23, 2007 5:26 PM, Lunpa, The <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From my own experiences, the only good answer to the problem of people
> cheating by modifying the game client is to not put anything important
> to game physics within the game client.  I think there are some
> surefire benefits to this that don't have the usual hypothetical
> chains of cause and effect for the scenarios of when someone really is
> motivated enough to step up to the challenge of circumventing your
> security measures...
> ...I think the only argument against handling physics serverside is the
> assumed load it would put on the server;  and my honest belief is that
> when that actually is a problem, its 2 parts bad design, and 1 part
> being overly elaborate.

I have never written a real game, let alone an MMORPG, but to me, this seems
like the best solution. Banks, for instance, don't rely on the web browser's
integrity to keep a customer from accessing another customer's account.
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