Le Wed, 19 Dec 2007 15:10:38 +0100,
Souvarine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Jan Ciger wrote:
> in that case the design evolved from a single player game, where the
>  weapon is a particle system and the individual particles cause
> damage. when we needed to quickly make that a dogfight thing that
> works over LAN, was simple and optimally efficient to keep the
> client-side damage calculations, and currently trust is no issue
> there. dunno if that is interesting also w.r.t p2p ideas. 
> This will work until the first player connects with a hacked client
> reporting vastly increased damage and ruins the game play for
> everybody. This is precisely the thing you *do not* want to be on the
> client or the client has to be locked down tightly (cryptographically
> signed, closed source, etc.). Even then you will face cheating - see
> games such as Counterstrike where various aimbots (most of them are
> client hacks) almost wiped the scene until some countermeasures
> appeared.
>    For your example about client side computation of damage, wouldn't
> it be possible to compute the damage on several clients and have
> clients to verify if the result they get from other clients is good ?
> Player A is playing with a hacked client, it compute a damage of 1000
> HP instead of 10 HP as it should be, a good way to cheat. Player B
> and C are playing on good client. Those clients compute that the
> damage should be 10 HP, when they get a result of 1000 HP from client
> A they both know that something is wrong. Then client B and C report
> client A as a cheater to the server, the server ban client A.

Another interesting possibility : if players A and B are fighting, let the 
player C do the computation. Ideally, player C should be as "independent" from 
player A and B as possible (e.g. he never met them before, he is far away,...). 
It does not really prevent cheating, but it makes it much complex since, for 
cheating, players A or B need player C agreement.

Jean-Baptiste Lamy

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