Hello, again:
  I read your December archives (didn't post earlier cause I'm new to 
soya), and I think there is one relevant issue that nobody mentioned: 
  This is the story as I understand it: Tivo is a popular apparatus that 
is sold as an alternative to a VCR, but is really a small PC: processor, 
RAM, hard drive and an operating system containing a linux kernel and 
other free software. The issue is they were bound by GPLv2 to release 
the source code, and they did, but it was of no use, because there was 
no way to update the source code in the machine. GPLv3 does not allow 
this, and would have forced them to release the instructions on how to 
update the software in the tivo machine (and remove some protection that 
only allows the hardware to run with their own versions of the software).
  For a library such as soya, I can think of this: you may see a game 
that is based upon soya, but sold packed in a cartridge (or dvd) for use 
in a machine such as Playstation or Nintendo, and you may be able to get 
the source code, only to find that the machine won't run it because it 
is modified. With GPLv2 this can happen, and with GPLv3 it can't.

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