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Greg Ewing wrote:
> Jan Ciger wrote:
>> GPL v.3. does not force anyone to release the compiler and
>> development kit. It requires only the *installation information*,
>> defined as:
>> “Installation Information” for a User Product means any methods,
>> procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
>> and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product
>> from a modified version of its Corresponding Source.
> Which, if they're using a compiler and other tools that are
> so nonstandard, seems like it *would* require them to release
> those tools, or at least enough information to enable someone
> to build their own tools to do the same job -- since this is
> "necessary information" to be able to build and run modified
> versions.

The key is "to build and run" - GPL explicitly asks only for "install
and execute", not to build. I mean, what is a "non-standard" compiler?
The SDK is a perfectly standard tool for the platform. That it is not
publicly available? And so what? Nobody forces you to make your tools

Copyright doesn't cover such thing and it would be excessive - it would
be similar like demanding that everything compiled by a GPL compiler
must become GPL licensed itself, or in this case, just because you have
compiled a GPL app, you need to GPL the compiler too. You would be
extending the copyright over software that is not related in any way to
the copyrighted work. That would be a really dangerous position to take
and probably extremely difficult to uphold in court, but I am not a
lawyer to judge that.

> No, it's about them making use of your code without giving
> something back. I understand that it's not about money.

Actually, neither - it is about maintaining the freedom. The tit-for-tat
effect is just a side-effect, the same as making it rather tricky to
sell a GPL-ed app commercially. But that is a philosophical debate, not
really related to the problem.

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