Jan Ciger wrote:
> The key is "to build and run" - GPL explicitly asks only for "install
> and execute", not to build.

If you know enough about the platform to be able to "install
and execute", then I think you know enough to be able to write
your own tool to get from the source to the executable. I
can't see there being anything in the compiler itself that's
tricky -- it's things like proprietary disk formats and
built-in DRM chips that will trip you up. Given the same
information that the manufacturers themselves have about
such devices, building the necessary tools is just a matter
of programming.

> Actually, neither - it is about maintaining the freedom.

Well, that's what RMS *says* it's about, but that's never
made any sense to me. If someone takes a free program and
makes something proprietary out of it, the original version
is still just as free as it ever was -- you don't need
a viral licence agreement to ensure that.


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