>From what I understand, Joe Shmoe isn't the issue, it's the corporations.
Joe Shmoe will publish his changes, the corporation will not.

Valve has a perfectly good game engine in Halflife 2, but what about
everyone else? Imaginary Games Inc modifies Soya to include extra features
(eg, different sounds for each sound-producing collision), have better
performance, or both. The company sells an SDK, publishes original Soya
source code, but not the modifications.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Jan Ciger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Pablo Angulo wrote:
> >   For a library such as soya, I can think of this: you may see a game
> > that is based upon soya, but sold packed in a cartridge (or dvd) for use
> > in a machine such as Playstation or Nintendo, and you may be able to get
> > the source code, only to find that the machine won't run it because it
> > is modified.
> This is a red herring - neither PS nor Wii are able to run code unsigned
> by either Sony or Nintendo. The only people able to actually *rebuild* a
> modified application are the people having the development kit. However,
> those are also able to sign the code and run it.
> If you are imagining Joe Schmoo hacking a Soya game on Playstation in
> his living room, that is not going to happen - he will not even have the
> compiler to start with and means to master the proprietary disc format
> needed for the unmodified console neither. You cannot get the
> development kit as an individual - it is around 5000USD/seat and only
> "reputable and established developers" are eligible to get it and only
> under a draconian contract. Hobbyists need not apply.
> Please, find a better example.
> Jan
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