Jan Ciger wrote:

> Yes, but you first need to HAVE the documentation! Why do you think the
> DRM and NDAs and all this is in place to begin with??? Try to ask Sony
> for development documentation - they will either politely show you the
> door or laugh in your face directly.

My point is that all this comes under the "necessary
information" clause, IMO. If they are using modified
GPL3'ed code in it anywhere, they *have* to provide
all of that -- otherwise you're missing information
needed to install your own modified version based on
their source.

> Do you think that the reason why there is no such toolchain
 > is the DRM and proprietary disk format?

I think that if it were feasible to run the result on a
standard, unmodified Playstation, there would be a lot more
incentive for someone to come up with such a toolchain.
I'm sure there are many enterprising young hackers --
er, enthusiasts -- around who would relish the challenge.

> However, if you had only a standard
> license, the work could just disappear - e.g. you obtain the copyright,
> get the source under your control and then change license to a
> proprietary one and yank the project off the web.

If the original copyright holder doesn't want this to
happen, all he needs to do is not relinquish the copyright
to anyone. I don't see the need for a viral licence to
protect against this.

For further reassurance, a non-revokability clause could
be included in the licence. I'm not sure whether such
clauses are legally binding, but if they're not, then the
GPL itself provides no more protection in this respect.

> The second point of the virality is that you are *not allowed* to take
> my work, enhance it with proprietary extensions and start distributing
> it (selling it, for example) without making the code for those things
> available. This prevents forks and splintering of the code base into
> incompatible versions.

Well, it might help with that, but this still comes into the
category of "giving something back". If you don't care about
getting anything back, you're at liberty to ignore all the
proprietary versions, and you're no worse off than if they
didn't exist in the first place.


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