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Greg Ewing wrote:
> My point is that all this comes under the "necessary
> information" clause, IMO. If they are using modified
> GPL3'ed code in it anywhere, they *have* to provide
> all of that -- otherwise you're missing information
> needed to install your own modified version based on
> their source.

I fail to see the relevance - the PS/3 compiler is not likely using GPL
v3 code. Based on what exactly should they provide it? Or the
development documentation?

> I think that if it were feasible to run the result on a
> standard, unmodified Playstation, there would be a lot more
> incentive for someone to come up with such a toolchain.
> I'm sure there are many enterprising young hackers --
> er, enthusiasts -- around who would relish the challenge.

Sure, but that is not the case. So the discussion about e.g. Soya being
"tivoized" on a PS/[23] is quite moot, IMHO.

> If the original copyright holder doesn't want this to
> happen, all he needs to do is not relinquish the copyright
> to anyone. I don't see the need for a viral licence to
> protect against this.

And what if the original copyright owner sells the rights? It is not
about him, but about you and me - the people who are using his product.

> For further reassurance, a non-revokability clause could
> be included in the licence. I'm not sure whether such
> clauses are legally binding, but if they're not, then the
> GPL itself provides no more protection in this respect.

I am not sure that this will work - GPL does the job already, this would
be just another legal minefield.

> Well, it might help with that, but this still comes into the
> category of "giving something back". If you don't care about
> getting anything back, you're at liberty to ignore all the
> proprietary versions, and you're no worse off than if they
> didn't exist in the first place.

Well, that's not true - you start to care if your customers start coming
to you for support but using modified versions based on forked code you
do not control. Yes, you can show them a door, but you wouldn't probably
survive the bad PR afterwards as a company :(


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