On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:07 AM, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Rick Morrison wrote:
>  > Yeah, I was under the impression that config args passed in via
>  > create_engine() ctor and via dburi were treated the same, but looking
>  > over engine/strategies.py, it looks as if they have two separate
>  > injection points. I'll see if I can get it to allow either, stay tuned.
>  create_engine('mssql://h/db', connect_args=dict(odbc_options='bar'))
>  create_engine('mssql://h/db?odbc_options=bar')

so to make it clear.

>  create_engine('mssql://h/db', 
> connect_args=dict(odbc_options='DRIVER={TDS};TDS_Version=8.0'))

This doesn't append driver and tds version to connection string. Isn't
connect_args for sqlalchemy specific actions and not for pyodbc
connector string.

this will work if I had a single option, but I will supply multiple
options with '=' operator.

Example:  This string need to be appended to connection string when
passed to pyodbc.


so If you guys don't mind making the whole expression double quotes we
can move on to:
create_engine("mssql://h/db?odbc_options='DRIVER={TDS};TDS_Version=8.0' ")

but now the driver that I just supplied in (line 804), was previously
added in 783 so now you have 2 drivers.

which leads me to try:
e = sqlalchemy.create_engine("mssql://xxx:[EMAIL 
this only takes the first argument "driver" and skips odbc_options

solution :

option 1:
make it so mssql://xxx:[EMAIL 
handles both parameters driver and odbc_options

option 2:
We either move line 804 above line 783 and then check if it includes
driver already?

line 784
if 'dsn' in keys:
            connectors = ['dsn=%s' % keys['dsn']]
            connectors = ["DRIVER={%s}" % keys.pop('driver', 'SQL Server'),
                          'Server=%s' % keys['host'],
                          'Database=%s' % keys['database'] ]

line 804:
if 'odbc_options' in keys:

or option3?


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