Hi guys,

My first post to this list, and I'm new to SQL in general too.

Just a couple of questions to start:

In the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function, can someone explain
to me the 5th parameter better than the site's help can?

I quote:
/* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */

I'm a bit perplexed. zSql is just the SQL query string.
There isn't an unused portion really, and even if there
was, I can't imagine how it could be of use. I just want
SQlite to process the string up to the NULL terminator.

I tend to use 0. eg:

It seems to 'work'. However, I'm still curious as to what
that 5th parameter really does, or why you really need it.

When I use the SQL query string:
"SELECT * FROM songs WHERE SongTitle like 'hexion'"

...it works fine (some results turn up). However, if I use
"=" instead of "like", the database returns zero entries,
despite the fact that "hexion" is definitely a SongTitle in that

My (small and immediately compilable) code and database
are available here:
http://www.skytopia.com/stuff/MMdatabase.zip   (1.6 M)
http://www.skytopia.com/stuff/sqlite.cpp       (1k)

MMdatabase.zip is my MediaMonkey music database (best player
ever natch!).

Cheers, Dan
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