Thanks Dan and Igor for clarifying the 5th param.
I'm guessing it's safe to leave it at 0 if I
just use one SQL statement then.

Funny you should mention the capital at the start
to make "Hexion". I thought of that just after I
posted. But it doesn't solve the problem unfortunately.
Zero results are still returned.

Oh one other quick question: Any way to get the number
of rows/columns after preperation without using
ssomething like sqlite3_get_table?


On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 05:23:00 +0100, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jun 14, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Daniel White wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> My first post to this list, and I'm new to SQL in general too.
>> Just a couple of questions to start:
>> ***1:
>> In the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function, can someone explain
>> to me the 5th parameter better than the site's help can?
>> I quote:
>> /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
>> I'm a bit perplexed. zSql is just the SQL query string.
>> There isn't an unused portion really, and even if there
>> was, I can't imagine how it could be of use. I just want
>> SQlite to process the string up to the NULL terminator.
>> I tend to use 0. eg:
>> sqlite3_prepare_v2(database,sqlstring,-1,&ppStmt,0);
>> It seems to 'work'. However, I'm still curious as to what
>> that 5th parameter really does, or why you really need it.
> For when you have a string containing more than one SQL statement.
> i.e.
>    "INSERT INTO songs VALUES(...) ; INSERT INTO songs VALUES(...) ; ..."
> If this string is passed to sqlite3_prepare_v2, the unused portion
> begins right after the first semi-colon.
>> ***2:
>> When I use the SQL query string:
>> "SELECT * FROM songs WHERE SongTitle like 'hexion'"
> The song title is actually 'Hexion'. By default LIKE is case-
> insensitive,
> = is not.
> Dan.
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