"Daniel White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My first post to this list, and I'm new to SQL in general too.
> Just a couple of questions to start:
> ***1:
> In the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function, can someone explain
> to me the 5th parameter better than the site's help can?
> I quote:
> /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */

You can pass a string containing several statements separated by 
semicolons. sqlite3_prepare[_v2] processes the first such statement, and 
returns a pointer to the remaining string. By calling the function 
repeatedly, you can process all statements in a string.

This is useful for command-line interface, where the user may type 
several statements on a single line.

> ***2:
> When I use the SQL query string:
> "SELECT * FROM songs WHERE SongTitle like 'hexion'"
> ...it works fine (some results turn up). However, if I use
> "=" instead of "like", the database returns zero entries,

By default, = is case-sensitive and LIKE is case-insensitive.

Igor Tandetnik 

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