Hi all. I'm very new to all of this, so I'm not necessarily looking for 
over-the-top advice, although anything you tell me will be appreciated. I 
just want to create a simple script (in Python, using sqlite3) that reads a 
"|" delineated text file and extracts the following bits of information 
from each line in the file: a date, a time, a song artist, and a song title.

The point is that I want to create a database storing these four pieces of 
information and then later be able to retrieve the information in multiple 
ways, such as selecting a date and song and seeing how many times it was 
played that day, or selecting a date and person, or just a song, or just a 
person, etc.

So I'm wondering what the best way to create such a database would be. 
Should each of those four pieces of information be an entry in the table?

In case anyone knows Python (although I'm sure you can probably all read 
this anyway), here's what I came up with so far, just to see if it works, 
which it does:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('song_db')
c = conn.cursor()

c.execute('create table songs (date text, time text, artist text, title 

with open('song_list.txt') as song_file:
    for line in song_file:
        entries = tuple(line.strip().split('|'))
        c.execute('insert into songs values (?, ?, ?, ?)', entries)


This creates a table with as many entries as there are lines in the file. 
Is there a more efficient way?

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