One thing to note is that there is an implicit "rowid" for each row
already. Making an explicit ID column just adds an alias to it.


On 9 March 2012 21:29, Simon Slavin <> wrote:
> On 8 Mar 2012, at 5:25pm, John Salerno <> wrote:
>> On Mar 8, 7:46 am, Simon Slavin <> wrote:
>>> Yes, this would be the 'normalised' form.  Something like
>>> artists: id, name, sortOrder
>>> songs: id, artistID, title
>>> plays: id, songID, playDate, playTime
>> Ok, between you and Larry's last post, it's starting to make a lot
>> more sense (except I don't intend to track "listeners"). I see now I
>> need separate tables for the artists and songs, but just a few
>> questions:
>> 1. What is the sortOrder entry in the artists table you created?
> Sooner or later you're going to want to make a list which is sorted in artist 
> order.  And you're going to want to list 'The Beatles' (if you have any taste 
> at all).  But if you list artists in name order they'd come in the Ts, not 
> the Bs because 'The' is part of the band name.  So having a "sortOrder" field 
> lets you enter 'The Beatles' as the band name but 'Beatles, The' in the 
> sortOrder field.  Similarly, 'Elvis Presley' should be sorted under 'P', not 
> 'E'.  Of course you could enter 'Presley, Elvis' instead of the name in the 
> order humans would say it, but I consider that a way of saying "The computer 
> is more important that you so humans must adapt to the computer way.", which 
> is an attitude I despise.
>> 2. Would there need to be an extra entries I should be aware of before
>> I begin, or is the table outline you created complete?
> I'm not quite sure what you wanted all this for to start with, but the above 
> structure has enough in it to let you get started.  You can add more tables 
> and/or columns later.
>> 3. What is the purpose of the id entry for the plays table? Is it used
>> much, or is it just for completeness?
> It's more a habit than anything.  Having an independent "id" column lets you 
> refer to individual rows by something which should never, under any 
> circumstances, need to change or refer to anything outside the database.  For 
> instance, Suppose you started off listing playTime as local current time of a 
> play, and later you needed to convert all your times to a specific TimeZone, 
> and remove any change for Summer Time.  You would be changing existing data 
> in the table in a way that meant any reference to that 'play' would have to 
> be changed too.  But by giving every table an 'id' column defined as INTEGER 
> ) you know you will always have a consistent reference for any piece of data, 
> even if one of the fields you care about needs to be changed.  So people who 
> work a lot with SQL databases tend to do this, or something like it, out of 
> experience without even thinking about it.
> Simon.
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