On 7 Mar 2012, at 5:13pm, John Salerno <johnj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mar 7, 7:33 am, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> I don't understand the purpose of the table you originally described.  If 
>> you are listing the same tracks again and again, listing different times it 
>> was played, then it would be useful to have three tables (artists, tracks, 
>> plays). If each track is listed just once then I don't think you need a 
>> separate table for tracks.
>> Having three tables would make it very easy to list some statistics you 
>> might not have originally planned on getting.  You could, for instance, very 
>> quickly list how many times each track had been played.  Having people type 
>> the full track name in every time would inevitably lead to them typing it 
>> slightly differently sometimes, which would make full reporting 
>> untrustworthy.
> Do you mean have a table that contains just the artist names, with an
> ID for each; then another table with song names, an ID for each song,
> and the ID for the artist; and then another table with play dates and
> times, with the ID of the song connecting it? I'm trying to figure out
> how it will all be connected.

Yes, this would be the 'normalised' form.  Something like

artists: id, name, sortOrder
songs: id, artistID, title
plays: id, songID, playDate, playTime

When looking up things you would use JOIN a lot.  For instance, to list all the 
plays of a song

SELECT plays.playDate,plays.playTime FROM plays WHERE songID=345

To list everything you played on one day, in time order:

SELECT plays.playTime,artists.name,songs.title
        FROM plays
        JOIN songs ON songs.id=plays.songID
        JOIN artists ON artists.name=songs.artistID
        WHERE playDate = '20120308'
        ORDER BY plays.playTime

Listing every song, and how many times it was played, in decreasing order of 
number of times it was played, is harder.  But see 'count(*)' in


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