On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> Sooner or later you're going to want to make a list which is sorted in artist 
> order.  And you're going to want to list 'The Beatles' (if you have any taste 
> at all).  But if you list artists in name order they'd come in the Ts, not 
> the Bs because 'The' is part of the band name.  So having a "sortOrder" field 
> lets you enter 'The Beatles' as the band name but 'Beatles, The' in the 
> sortOrder field.  Similarly, 'Elvis Presley' should be sorted under 'P', not 
> 'E'.  Of course you could enter 'Presley, Elvis' instead of the name in the 
> order humans would say it, but I consider that a way of saying "The computer 
> is more important that you so humans must adapt to the computer way.", which 
> is an attitude I despise.

Do I have to manually edit the name of the band to insert the
information in the sortOrder field? Wouldn't that require me to know
something about the exact wording of the band/artist name? Or is there
some generic way to do this? Simply switching the first and last name
wouldn't work, since that would mess up band names that aren't people
names, etc.
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