--- Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Conditionals relate to whatever the developer wants them to relate to. They
> are in no way limited to layout and display. I can just as easily use a
> conditional tag to control (sic) a SQL update as I can to determine whether
> or not to show someone's credit card number.

True, and we should try to dissuade people doing non-view stuff in JSP.

> > - gotos send control out of the current file (i.e. Control)
> In my view (!), you are splitting hairs here. You are saying that if a tag
> exerts control over the flow that takes that flow out of the page, that is
> Control. But if a tag exerts control over the flow such that the flow
> remains within the page, that is View.

Actually imho, a pretty important distinction. The whole MVC pattern is based
on the controller delegating the flow FROM controller TO the view. If we have
the views again delegating flow amongst themselves, the role of controller
seems compromised...(poor thing, it will go out of control :)

> I agree with promoting best practices, of course. And I claim that using
> logical names in preference to hard coded URLs is a best practice, and that
> <logic:forward> and <logic:redirect> promote this practice.

True, i guess the discussion is about where to use these. I second David in
saying that Actions are the more appropriate place. and like him, its more of a
philosophical discussion for me too - would readily bow before people in the
field really using these heavily...


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