Hartmut Figge wrote:
David E. Ross:

I was used to setting
        alias rm='rm -i'
but I was working at a location other than my usual.  I entered
        rm *
Quickly realizing what I had done, I then entered
But it was too late.  I didn't lose all my files, but I lost too many.
Fortunately, all accounts were backed-up daily by the system

Well, you are responsible for that what you are doing. Would you really
like it in this way?

user:   enters command
system: are you sure?
user:   yes
system: really?
user:   YES
system: would you like to reflect your decision?
user:   $§%&$§

Hart *g* mut

Well the Mac OS is not quite that way

the first 3 step are accurate although its actually okay or cancel, with Cancel the highlighted choice. Gives one change to decided whether, your okay with your decision or you willing to possibly screw up your application or system click menu choice > windows comes up are you sure you want to do this > Choices Cancel / Okay. You decide. slows you down enough so you can decide whether you want to throw away that valuable file you've worked on for a year and half or not. In UNIX, LINUX, or even windows you put in the wrong thing, its gone. You still have to decide , but it give you the ability to decided to screw up or not.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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