Phillip Jones:
>Hartmut Figge wrote:

>> user:   enters command
>> system: are you sure?
>> user:   yes
>> system: really?
>> user:   YES
>> system: would you like to reflect your decision?
>> user:   $§%&$§
>> Hart *g* mut
>Well the Mac OS is not quite that way
>the first 3 step are accurate although its actually okay or cancel, with 
>Cancel the highlighted choice. Gives one change to decided whether, your 
>okay with your decision or you willing to possibly screw up your 
>application or system click menu choice > windows comes up are you sure 
>  you want to do this > Choices Cancel / Okay. You decide. slows you 
>down enough so you can decide whether you want to throw away that 
>valuable file you've worked on for a year and half or not. In UNIX, 
>LINUX, or even windows you put in the wrong thing, its gone.  You still 
>have to decide , but it give you the ability to decided to screw up or not.

I don't wish to be uncourtly by not answering detailed. Much could be
said about the issue. Unfortunately it would take a great lot of effort
for me. Not because of arguments but because of English.

Sometimes i don't need a vocabulary when answering here, more often
however i have to look up one or more words. Also in this reply, i don't
even know if 'uncourtly' is the right term. *g*

I know that i should restrict my answers to short, simple sentences, but
sometimes, uh, i forget that i am here in an English group, just start
to write, having just posted to to a German group. ;)

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