Phillip Jones:

>How Mac handles either download of software, update of software or 
>Deleting Files:
>1. Choose desired file to Delete, the empty into Trash. (Drag to Trash)
>2 Go to Finder Menu Choose empty Trash ( or use Shift-command-Delete)
>3 System: Are your sure you wish to delete file.  <Cancel> <Okay>
>4 You choose to cancel action  (in case you choose wrong) or okay to 
>commit to the empty.

Well, i don't even have a desktop where i could do such things. And
certainly i would be heavily annoyed if the OS means to know better than
i what i wish to do. ;)

>For download of software:
>1. click on appropriate method to download.
>2. when downloaded and the pkg file or dmg pile will open
>3. Drag application to desired folder
>4. window comes up Do you wish to install program  <cancel> <Okay>
>5 you choose whether you want to risk installation.
>Automatic installers the first three steps are automatically done in 

Could be to similar ubuntu, so i have read. On Gentoo it is quite different.

>I have no way of knowing about Linux, or UNIX. Last I saw on UNIX is was 
>80's style command line. I assume since Linux and UNIX are distant 
>cousins they  work similarly.

There was just a discussion in de.test where someone needed to find a
file whose name was known. He had no luck with the usual methods on Win
so he used a program with the name Ransack, whatever that may be.

Well, here i would open a terminal, issue 'locate file' and be done.

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