Hartmut Figge wrote:
Phillip Jones:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

user:   enters command
system: are you sure?
user:   yes
system: really?
user:   YES
system: would you like to reflect your decision?
user:   $§%&$§

Hart *g* mut

Well the Mac OS is not quite that way

the first 3 step are accurate although its actually okay or cancel, with
Cancel the highlighted choice. Gives one change to decided whether, your
okay with your decision or you willing to possibly screw up your
application or system click menu choice>  windows comes up are you sure
  you want to do this>  Choices Cancel / Okay. You decide. slows you
down enough so you can decide whether you want to throw away that
valuable file you've worked on for a year and half or not. In UNIX,
LINUX, or even windows you put in the wrong thing, its gone.  You still
have to decide , but it give you the ability to decided to screw up or not.

I don't wish to be uncourtly by not answering detailed. Much could be
said about the issue. Unfortunately it would take a great lot of effort
for me. Not because of arguments but because of English.

Sometimes i don't need a vocabulary when answering here, more often
however i have to look up one or more words. Also in this reply, i don't
even know if 'uncourtly' is the right term. *g*

I know that i should restrict my answers to short, simple sentences, but
sometimes, uh, i forget that i am here in an English group, just start
to write, having just posted to to a German group. ;)

okay I will try a different way: (not the greatest typist grew up in a era in school 50-60's when your manhood was questioned if a Boy took typing. Boys took shop classes girls took typing, steno, and Home economics. Then also, I never dreamed about computers then or I would be using one now.)

How Mac handles either download of software, update of software or Deleting Files:

1. Choose desired file to Delete, the empty into Trash. (Drag to Trash)
2 Go to Finder Menu Choose empty Trash ( or use Shift-command-Delete)
3 System: Are your sure you wish to delete file.  <Cancel> <Okay>
4 You choose to cancel action (in case you choose wrong) or okay to commit to the empty.

For download of software:

1. click on appropriate method to download.
2. when downloaded and the pkg file or dmg pile will open
3. Drag application to desired folder
4. window comes up Do you wish to install program  <cancel> <Okay>
5 you choose whether you want to risk installation.

Automatic installers the first three steps are automatically done in background.
Last two items are the same it ask and you choose.

Windows as of 98 (last I saw close up) works click delete with application and it moves to Wastebasket. Then click on wastebasket and choose from menu item empty. There is no question. once you choose empty its gone.

I have no way of knowing about Linux, or UNIX. Last I saw on UNIX is was 80's style command line. I assume since Linux and UNIX are distant cousins they work similarly.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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