On 11/20/2010 06:35 AM, Michael Lueck wrote:
> I also took the time to report this in Bugzilla:
> "Incorrect default switches to handle mailto: links / new message window will 
> not open"
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613724

Clearly your:
response indicates that you still seem to think that this is a SeaMonkey
issue rather than an issue with properly configuring your GNOME desktop.
So I'll repeat: this is *not* a SeaMonkey issue, but rather an desktop
configuration issue. (PEBKAC)

As you've already discovered, properly setting your desktop preferred
applications settings (Ubuntu: System|Preferences|Preferred
Applications|Mail Reader|Custom/whatever) to a path/system setting for
SeaMonkey works. This demonstrates that the issue is with your desktop
settings and *not* SeaMonkey.

Let me give you a few examples/whatif's:

1. I run SM from a /home folder on several machines (Ubuntu 8.04, 10.04,
10.10). Using your "example" won't work for me. Instead I need to add
the full path to my SM installation folder and use:
/home/<username>/<seamonkeyfoldername>/seamonkey -compose

On others I run SeaMonkey2 from a ppa provided by Joe Lesko [1] and
simply use System|Preferences|Preferred Applications|Mail
Reader|SeaMonkey 2.0|seamonkey2 -mail

2. What if your preferred email application were something other than
SeaMonkey? You'd set your email preferences as above only use the path
to that particular email client.

Point being is that your issue has *nothing* to do with a bug in
SeaMonkey, but instead is due to your failure to grasp the fact that you
lack the understanding necessary to set your desktop settings to use
whatever email client that you wish.

[1] Using Ubuntuzilla is, IMO, just plain silly. Ubuntuzilla is nothing
more than a set of scripts that install Mozilla products in system
directories. You'd be *much* better off (again IMO) installing SeaMonkey:

1. Directly into a home folder (/home/seamonkey) and running it from
there. Or:
2. If you wish to use a system SeaMonkey, add Joe Lesko's repository to
your /etc/apt/sources.list file - or add:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:seamonkey2/seamonkey2
and then install seamonkey2

I'd recommend that you just install via your distro repository were it
not for the fact that the Ubuntu SeaMonkey maintainers can't seem to get
their act together and still haven't backported the lucid fixes yet:
[seamonkey 2.0 crashes with 'RenderBadPicture' diagnostics]

Now *please* go and close out
If you need further help understanding why please do not hesitate to ask
in this thread & I'll be more than happy to provide additional

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