On 11/22/2010 08:14 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 11/20/2010 06:35 AM, Michael Lueck wrote:
>> I also took the time to report this in Bugzilla:
>> "Incorrect default switches to handle mailto: links / new message window 
>> will not open"
>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613724
> Clearly your:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613724#c7
> response indicates that you still seem to think that this is a SeaMonkey
> issue rather than an issue with properly configuring your GNOME desktop.
> So I'll repeat: this is *not* a SeaMonkey issue, but rather an desktop
> configuration issue. (PEBKAC)
> As you've already discovered, properly setting your desktop preferred
> applications settings (Ubuntu: System|Preferences|Preferred
> Applications|Mail Reader|Custom/whatever) to a path/system setting for
> SeaMonkey works. This demonstrates that the issue is with your desktop
> settings and *not* SeaMonkey.
> Let me give you a few examples/whatif's:
> 1. I run SM from a /home folder on several machines (Ubuntu 8.04, 10.04,
> 10.10). Using your "example" won't work for me. Instead I need to add
> the full path to my SM installation folder and use:
> /home/<username>/<seamonkeyfoldername>/seamonkey -compose
> On others I run SeaMonkey2 from a ppa provided by Joe Lesko [1] and
> simply use System|Preferences|Preferred Applications|Mail
> Reader|SeaMonkey 2.0|seamonkey2 -mail
> 2. What if your preferred email application were something other than
> SeaMonkey? You'd set your email preferences as above only use the path
> to that particular email client.
> Point being is that your issue has *nothing* to do with a bug in
> SeaMonkey, but instead is due to your failure to grasp the fact that you
> lack the understanding necessary to set your desktop settings to use
> whatever email client that you wish.
> [1] Using Ubuntuzilla is, IMO, just plain silly. Ubuntuzilla is nothing
> more than a set of scripts that install Mozilla products in system
> directories. You'd be *much* better off (again IMO) installing SeaMonkey:
> 1. Directly into a home folder (/home/seamonkey) and running it from
> there. Or:
> 2. If you wish to use a system SeaMonkey, add Joe Lesko's repository to
> your /etc/apt/sources.list file - or add:
> https://launchpad.net/~seamonkey2/+archive/seamonkey2
> via
> $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:seamonkey2/seamonkey2
> and then install seamonkey2
> I'd recommend that you just install via your distro repository were it
> not for the fact that the Ubuntu SeaMonkey maintainers can't seem to get
> their act together and still haven't backported the lucid fixes yet:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seamonkey/+bug/575160
> [seamonkey 2.0 crashes with 'RenderBadPicture' diagnostics]
> Now *please* go and close out
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613724
> If you need further help understanding why please do not hesitate to ask
> in this thread & I'll be more than happy to provide additional
> info/instructions.

Sorry, forgot to add:

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