Daniel F. wrote:
Hey y'all,

I'm the maintainer of the ubuntuzilla repository. Here are my thoughts/
comments on the matter.

Just a thought. I have no idea what you're talking about because you have deleted/snipped EVERYTHING to what your are replying. So, now I have to go re-read previous posts to figure out what the hell you're going on about. And I'm not going to do it.

A huge problem? As long as the post are still on the server (as they are), no. An annoyance? Yes.

(By the way, NoOp,

Oh, great, now another reference I have to specifically go look up to understand your reply/context. Thanks.

So, gently, I suggest, learn how to quote.  Please?

Ed Mullen
I see no virtue in outliving my ability to have fun.
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