On 11/23/2010 11:56 AM, Michael Lueck wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> 2. What if your preferred email application were something other
>> than SeaMonkey? You'd set your email preferences as above only use
>> the path to that particular email client.
> Then what caused SeaMonkey to get added to the Gnome Preferred
> Applications list (with the wrong switches) in the first place?

Not sure, but perhaps you can ask on:

> I had been using Thunderbird up until I installed SeaMonkey.
> Thunderbird was handling the mailto: links correctly.

And did you also install via Ubuntuzilla? If so, what was the switch?

> At that time, SeaMonkey was not in the list. After I instilled
> SeaMonkey, it was there, just the switches were incorrect.
> What ever adds SeaMonkey to the list of Gnome Preferred Applications,
> THAT needs to be updated to use the correct switches.

Possibly. I typically run SeaMonkey from a /home folder, so I've not run
into this problem previously. I just use 'Custom' and insert the path &
-compose %s or simply %s (the latter works just fine). However I do note
that the SeaMonkey2 build from Joe also includes the '-mail' switch, so
I'll ask him. The there *is* something in the build configurations that
sets this as '-mail' default, then *perhaps* there is an issue.
Unfortunately it would/will be most hard to debug as you'd have to query
all those that built .deb packages from source.

If you look at the link I previously referenced, you'll find that the
'-mail' switch is proper for opening the mail client. The issue is
pehaps that the '-mail' command does not recognise/honor the "%s" (see
the GNOME desktop reference guide/docs for this). Again, that wouldn't
be a SeaMonkey issue as the reference clearly states:

-mail mailto_URL

Start the Compose Message window for the given mailto_URL Thunderbird only.

thunderbird -mail mailto:m...@isp.net?subject=hi

As you can see, that (possibly) only works in Thunderbird. For SeaMonkey
you'd need to use:

./seamonkey -compose mailto:m...@isp.net?subject=hi

and that works just fine.

Have a look at:
for methods to configure your desktop.

Change your System|Preferences|Preferred
Applications|Mail Reader|Custom|
to include the path to SeaMonkey (if installed in a /home folder) or
simply: 'seamonkey %s' or 'seamonkey -compose %s' if you've installed to
the system (via Ubuntuzilla or otherwise).

If you do not require SeaMonkey to be available for all users on your
system I *highly* recommend just installing to a /home folder and
running from there. You'll find that doing so is considerably easier &

> I would think that something in the SeaMonkey installation process
> adds SeaMonkey to the Preferred Applications list. Thus why I started
> with a bug against SeaMonkey.

Perhaps. But again you'd need to check with whoever built the .deb
packages to be certain. Is it a SeaMonkey bug, or is it a problem with
how the package was built?

Regarding your other post:
>> > were it
>> > not for the fact that the Ubuntu SeaMonkey maintainers can't seem to get
>> > their act together and still haven't backported the lucid fixes yet:
>> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seamonkey/+bug/575160
>> > [seamonkey 2.0 crashes with 'RenderBadPicture' diagnostics]
> Why would you suggest all of that grief over simply using the official 
> Mozilla binaries via UbuntuZilla?!!?!?

You obviously missed (and cut):

> I'd recommend that you just install via your distro repository were it
> not for the fact that the Ubuntu SeaMonkey maintainers can't seem to get
> their act together and still haven't backported the lucid fixes yet:

I *don't* recommend that you install your distro version for the very
reasons mentioned in:

I do however recommend that you use Joe's PPA (or install directly to a
/home folder) rather than Ubuntuzilla.

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