Hey y'all,

I'm the maintainer of the ubuntuzilla repository. Here are my thoughts/
comments on the matter.

(By the way, NoOp, it has been quite a while since ubuntuzilla was an
autodownloader script. It is now an apt repository with .deb repacks
of official mozilla binary builds.)

So, speaking about what goes on with ubuntuzilla - all that is done is
extract the binaries out of the mozilla-supplied tar.gz, and put them
into a .deb. With seamonkey, the mozilla binaries go into /opt/
seamonkey/, a symlink is created from /usr/bin/seamonkey to /opt/
seamonkey/seamonkey, and an applications menu item in the form of
a .desktop file is created in /usr/share/applications/seamonkey-
mozilla-build.desktop, with the following content:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mozilla Build of Seamonkey
GenericName=Internet Suite
Comment=Web Browser, Email/News Client, HTML Editor, IRC Client
Exec=seamonkey %u

There is nothing anywhere in the package (nothing that's added by the
ubuntuzilla repack process, at any rate) that speficies the default
command to use to compose a new message. I would be /mightily/
surprised if you see different behavior from installing manually into /
home, by downloading from seamonkey website, and extracting into your
home dir somewhere.

It is quite likely, though, that the fault lies not with seamonkey
itself, but with the "preferred applications" gnome applet, which has
'seamonkey -mail %s' as the default option, when it detects the
presence of /usr/bin/seamonkey on the system. This is currently my
best guess. The documentation on the gnome preferred application
applet (/usr/bin/gnome-default-applications-properties binary) seems
rather scant, and I don't have the time to go dig through the source
package to figure out where it pulls the default values for known
apps... but that's where I'd look.

Hope this is at least somewhat helpful.

P.S. please CC me by email directly on any replies if you want to make
sure I see them.
support-seamonkey mailing list

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