Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Rick Merrill wrote:

W3BNR wrote:
On 5/29/2011 3:41 PM Robert Kaiser submitted the following:
Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
For those few sites too stupid to sniff for "Gecko," why not just
lie to
them and spoof FF?

That's what 2.1 does. And it's not beta any more, it's RC, which means
it's as good as release, with just minor adjustments to be made still.

Robert Kaiser

Personally I don't think we should have to lie about our browser. That
I do use 'PrefBar' and spoof when I have to - but I still don't like to.

I normally e-mail to whatever site it is that doesn't like SM (the
webmaster or help desk) with the following text:


I think it is great that you encourage web sites to support SM!
But think of all the mobile "platforms" that would also like "support".

Of course, the cheapest way to "support" all the browsers would be to
write W3C compliant code, and pay one webmaster to do it instead of
paying three or five or eight to write three or five or eight different

Most answers are:
"We only support the most common browsers."

This is a necessary evil of "support" which means training expensive
people to answer (ofteh silly) questions!

And of course a compliant site would get fewer calls, would it not?

Now if you could get Google and Microsoft on Board to do that, there would be no problem.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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