MCBastos wrote:
>Interviewed by CNN on 30/05/2011 06:49, Paul B. Gallagher told the world:
That's cute.  8-)

>>if enough sites were compliant, M$ would have to shape up.
>Actually, I understand that IE9 is reasonably compliant
The phrase you seek is *inching upward*
(after YEARS of hobbling the Web).

>the gap has been closing since IE7.
...mostly at a snail's pace.
Internet Exploder didn't pass Acid TWO until IE EIGHT fercrisesake.
IE7 and IE8 sucked at Acid3; IE9 was a quantum leap there.

>(not 100%, but near enough for most purposes),
Grudgingly complying because they were facing death.
The only place I'll give M$ any points is in the
each-tab-is-a-separate-process thing.
(Ancient) Mozilla is still playing catch-up there;
having everything freeze when one tab craps out really sucks.

>So it appears that they ARE shaping up.
You left out the phrase "dragged kicking and screaming".
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