>JeffM wrote:
>>those folks who are prone to complaining
>>*should* be the ones who point out shortcomings
>>**when something can more easily be done about those**
>>i.e. **early** aka **during pre-release**.
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
>All right , then where does the developer coouncil/
>governing body publish the details of the planned
>changes to be introduced in the next release,
>so that interested users can make their comments known
It sounds like you are back on the *whining* track.

I'm **not** talking about people sitting on their butts
and flapping their gums.
I'm talking about people USING the pre-release versions
and FINDING flaws and REPORTING those
aka **earning** the right to comment.

There seems to be a lot of
*looking a gift horse in the mouth* going on
without those folks lifting a finger **before** they grouse.
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