Chris Ilias wrote:
On 12-05-22 6:03 AM, Daniel wrote:
Just exported my current places.sqlite and got a HTML file of 302.8KB.

I wonder what I've got in the 3.6MB file!!!

Mostly, your browsing history. Plus meta data, like when you last
visited each site, how many times you've visited each site, and any
stored favicons as well.

So, o.k., in my old bookmarks.html file, that is 3.6MB I could have still had all my history, but I just deleted my current History and then re-exported the current places.sqlite file and it (HTML) still came out as 302.8KB!!

Note:- I've still got addresses in the address drop-down! I expected these to disappear if I deleted History, or do I have to re-start SM??

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