Interviewed by CNN on 21/05/2012 12:32, Paul B. Gallagher told the world:
> Daniel wrote:
>> Libertarian Lilly wrote:
>>> Daniel<> wrote :
>>> Yes, it's grown to horrible proportions, about 3.6 megs. Shame on me.
>> My bookmarks file, places.sqlite, is 10 MB and not causing me problems!!
> Mine's over 20 MB, no problems.
My places.sqlite is 71 Mb. But...

... exporting it to HTML format yields a file just 1.7 Mb in size, for
2152 bookmarks. And that's including a lot of encoded favicon images...

So, if Daniel has a bookmarks.html file over 3.6 megs, particularly one
without many favicons, well, it probably contains an humongous number of


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