Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
I have noticed that sometimes SM will guess wrong when I select a
message in a mail folder, but if I navigate away and then return it'll
guess right. I don't know why that is -- it seems to be sticking to the
encoding it used for the previous message that I just deleted.

I've noticed that too, and it may be the root of Alexandre's problem. It seems that SeaMonkey correctly detects the encoding when opening messages in the "message pane", but doesn't actually use that encoding until the next message is opened, and doesn't detect the encoding at all when opening them in a separate window (just using the last-detected encoding from the message pane).

That also affects opening previously saved drafts. So, for example:
- Start composing a message with UTF-8 encoding (like Paul, that's my default) and include a character not covered by the standard ASCII set (in my case, usually "£")
- Save as draft and close that message.
- View, in the message pane (View > Layout > Message Pane or press F8), another email which uses a different encoding (e.g. us-ascii)
- Re-open the draft
- The "£" now appears as "£" (it just happens that in this case the second character is the same as the original single character, but that's not necessarily the case for all characters)

No amount of closing and re-opening the draft seems to fix that. However:
- Select the draft in the thread pane
- Open the message pane (View > Layout > Message Pane or press F8)
- It looks wrong there too, and saving the draft again at this point will compound the problem. However...
- Close the message pane
- Open the message pane
- It now looks correct, and double-clicking to open the message for further editing is now also correct.

To be honest, I've got to the point where I barely notice this and just automatically tap F8 a couple of times when a message isn't displayed correctly. That it's become an automatic reaction isn't a particularly good sign, but that may be a workaround until the problem is fixed properly.

I think this has come up on this list before, but not sure it's reported on Bugzilla.


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