Paul B. Gallagher wrote, on 10 Oct 16 17:46:

Alexander Yudenitsch wrote:

But, is it possible that the matter with "Edit | Preferences |
Appearance | Fonts" which Paul Gallagher described is also a factor
in this problem?

Could be -- a lot of older fonts have very limited character sets.

Yes, could be... But, as I said, I've been using these same fonts (they're the standard SM ones!) for many years, and didn't have this problem until recently.

BTW, before I forget: It's been a few years since

Careful -- this English phrasing normally implies that the stated
phenomenon has NOT occurred during the stated period. For the positive
version, we'd say "For a few years, SM has been...," or else "Several
years ago, SM started..." It doesn't work the same as "depuis quelques

Yes, you're right; I was in a hurry (to go to my POBox and get the bottles of wine waiting there for me since Friday)...

SM started opening that 'message pane' when you classify a message as
"Junk"; it wasn't that way earlier, and I don't see any way to turn
that behavior off! Does anyone know some way to do that?

Haven't seen this. If I select a message in the list and press "J" to
classify it as junk, SM just puts it in the Junk folder without
displaying it. Of course, if I open it to diagnose it and /then/ mark it
as junk, well, it's already open, isn't it? ;-)

Can you precisely describe the circumstances and steps you take so
someone else can reproduce the problem?

Well, first of all, I don't allow SM to move messages around on its own: I like and value very much its mail filter (as I'm fond of telling friends, it even manages to distinguish 'ad-only editions' of a newsletter from 'normal' ones!), so I let it mark all messages IT 'thinks' are junk, and then I go through my Inbox checking -- and, usually, some of its Junk/Spam aren't ones I so consider, several ARE junk but I still want to keep them, and several others are ones I consider junk/spam, so I mark them as such with a right-click, and THAT's when SM opens the message pane!

Also, as I commented in another message, I never use the 'message pane' to read e-mails, always opening them in new windows -- but I'm talking about cases (the majority, actually) where I decide the message should classified as junk/spam based only on the subject, sender and recipient, so it's NOT opened (in case you're wondering, when I'm suspicious about some message, I just look at its source, thus avoiding triggering any unknown 'nasties').

Thanks beforehand for your attention, and I hope to hear from you soon.

s) Alexander Yudenitsch   <>

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