Even using spare parts, a complete system can be cheap.

- one plug computer with ethernet: 75 euros
  (or with wifi :  < 100 euros)
- one usb 7.1 sound card: < 20 euros
- four or more small fullrange speakers: ?

The first step would be to create a complete software system with a good
user interface, either with a lightweight GUI or a web interface, that
could run on any computer (not only on a dedicated hardware).

I don't think that mass production is important; the hardware is
changing too fast, so any integrator could propose their own version of
the system with different options (and speaker configurations).


Thu, 4 Aug 2011 05:57:34 +0300 (EEST),
Sampo Syreeni <de...@iki.fi> wrote :

> On 2011-07-29, Sarang S. Dalal wrote:
> > I've been lurking for only a day, but Sampo's note gives me the 
> > courage to go ahead and ask the first question I was hoping this
> > group might help me answer.
> And good it was. No? ;)
> My question then is, how to do ambisonic even cheaper. I sort of 
> undertand the theory, and I've had the fortune of knowing a couple of 
> researchers/enthusiasts who could show me their rigs. The problem is, 
> those rigs aren't precisely affordable, even when built up from spare 
> parts. So how do we come up with a complete, affordable, ambisonic
> rig, with the minimum of four (effective) speakers for first order,
> at an affordable price? Say, below 200 or even 100 euros? Including
> speakers, full digital decoding for the usual layout variation, and
> all that?
> If we could somehow do that, and mass reproduce it, the rest should
> be pretty easy. So how do we do that?!?

> On 2011-08-04, umashankar mantravadi wrote:
> > mass production will not happen so easily, but if you dont count
> > your computer in the cost, 200 dollars for first order, without
> > height is very possible.  
> Software, D/A, amplifier and decent speakers included? I agree that
> that all should be possible, but do we have it now? On Amazon, ready
> for delivery? I think not.
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