Ronald C.F. Antony wrote:

UHJ is simple and convenient, because people can buy it as a regular stereo 
track like the rest of the music. No pop-up with a choice: stereo or surround 
version, no playlists where one has to make sure the stereo version ends up on 
the iPod, and the surround version is used for home playback. None of that. One 
file, one solution, stereo, portable, home, car, whatever. No confusion for 
consumers, distribution channel, radio capable, etc. THAT works.

No, it didn't work.

UHJ will (mostly) be heard as "plain stereo", and then there < might > be a few issues. (Mathematically-logically, it is impossible to press 3 channels into 2. You will have some artefacts if presenting surround sound in just 2-channels.)

Surround reproduction requires more than 2 speakers, say: at least 4. (Even decoded UHJ, so to speak.)

If speakers are "crappy", surround won't be enjoyable with any system. :-)



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