As I've said ad nauseum, the guy who first integrates an Ambi decoder into VLC, 
getting around the evil Windoz mixer etc. gets to choose the data structure for 
next important Ambi format.

This will be a lossy compressed format probably based on the public domain 

Ambisonia was the 1st major breakthrough, source material.

I hope everyone is aware and thankful for Etienne's huge amount of effort & 
work.  We are lucky that York have taken over this and hope it will continue to 
increase and prosper.

The 2nd is the ongoing decoder work by BLaH and others on this forum.  At least 
the theory of how to design a good decoder is available.

Sadly, only Fons' Happy Days decoder is flexible enough to take advantage of 
the new work.  This isn't descrying the decoders available from D McGriffy, 
Richard Dobson, the York Mafia & others; just pointing out that they are 

But none of these will conveniently play MP3s ripped from CDs or youTube, 
surround videos etc  .. no nice database for music .. so will remain niche 
interests.  Happy Days doesn't even run on evil Windoz and probably never will 
if its inventor has any say in it .. 8>D

I finally managed to compile VLC this year but can't seem to do it again.


When Ambi VLC happens, I predict the re-surrection of UHJ.  Simple 2 channels 
will remain the most important distribution format in the forseable future.

But it will pave the way for HOA and other exotics.

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