Thanks for all your insights, I'll try to be a bit more specific.

The delivery format is a 4 channel WXYZ .wav file that will be rotated and
decoded to binaural in realtime in the video player according to the
viewer's head rotation.

So, there is no panning involved, just static sources, that counter rotate
according to the head rotation (so it appears their location is fixed in the
spherical soundfield)

What I want to have also in this soundfield is a stereo source that moves
with the head rotation (just like regular stereo listening on headphones),
that gets somehow mixed in with the 4 channel wxyz file.

By M/S encoding the stereo audio (sending the mid to the W channel and the
side to the Y channel), it sums to mono at 90 and 270º. The same happens
with regular stereo to FOA encoding.

If I send the side channel both to X and Y, it sums to mono at 45º and
225º.(a 45º shift).

Is there a solution that does not sum to mono? Double M/S?


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