On 2017-06-28, Augustine Leudar wrote:

Sampo - please read my original post - [...]

Will read.

I have friends who are looking for a something like this as a cheap multi channel solution but to be honest I wouldn't trust it for this gig....

Since what I'm talking about doesn't exist and your gig is drawing near, neither would I.

But given some time and some surprisingly minimal effort, what I mean to say is that you can approach thorough perfection along the lines I jotted out above, using reasonably priced hardware. What I'm thinking about isn't a second best solution you can best with dedicated hardware sync; it's the first best solution no hardware solution can even theoretically best, at any price point, because of the trouble with high fanout clock distribution.

*If* you can drive the differential delay of your distributed converter bank to any quantifiable level, you *also* can drive it *much* lower with minimal extra cost, using something like the design I alluded to above. Then, it's possibly to get equivalent performance from a setup much cheaper once you trade back to cost efficiency using that better tech.

Such a tradeoff isn't theoretical. It can be done now, if somebody just puts hir mind to it. It can then make the difference between a prohitively expensive, ideal by pure analogue clock distribution standards rig, which never sees the light of day, or if it does, only proves a one time wonder; and an easily scalable, easily perceptually competitive rig, which when once even half perfected, could serve as a generalized, affordable substrate for all high channel count work in the future.

Maybe I missed something; as you say, I'll have to reread or original post in full.

But if I *didn't* miss anything, I believe what you're after is simply a high number of well synched channels, at a reasonable price point. You want to get 22 of them right? Possibly more? You want them to be child and bomb proof, too, right?

You can't get that kind of hardware in over seven channels. You can't get it compactly in over for, or perhaps six. Even then the stuff will take the form of developer boards or SoC based hacker boards such as the Pi.

So, you're going to have to do some integration work in any case for channel counts as high as you're asking for. My favourite would be something like a Raspberry Pi for each eight channels, stacking the D/A converters on top on 2x4 daughterboards. That'd buy you 8 channels per board, with ample processing power and Ethernet connectivity to spare. You could even push it as far as three daughter boards, so 12 channels per motherboard, and you still wouldn't saturate either of the USB or the Ethernet port. But you be pushing the processor quite a lot already, if you did any substantial processing, such as well-resampled fractional sample delay correction which I suggested above.

In any case, if you want to make the thing truly nuclear proof, what you do is spray the whole circuit board with insulating spray lacquer. All connectors attached and with all contacts wetted with mercury wapor, alloyed by a tiny impurity of silver chlorate. Let dry. Reapply in small patches the lacquer, then hairlike aluminium shavings to cover the thing. If you need to form thermal conduits via what follows, solder them in place before the first lacquer application, and file/wet as need be to ensure thermal contact, while retaining electrical insulation by air, around; after the first application of lacquer, it displaces the air in the negative space around in a non-geometry-deforming matter, and takes the place of the prerequisite insulator/dieletric in any free circuits (obviously anything like an open, air core coil would now be fucked up by the new dielectric; don't use them, or if you do, calibrate for the new medium beforehand). If you really want to be thorough and weird, you'd wet the newest surface with slightly chemically polarized mercury vapour again, imbibed with a small amount of metallic silver. You'd single point ground the resulting, mirror-like surface one-point, as the Faraday cage that it is.

Make sure every lead going into and coming out of the circuit has a small, smooth, exactly toroidal ferrite ring goung around it where it exits the black that we're going to make out of the circuit, below. Then cast the whole thing in solid two part resin, reaching at least 2-3 millimetres from the outest envelope of the encased circuit board and all of its components, in any and all directions. Use porous paper to maker sure the ferrite ring derived exists for any leads stay clear of the resin, so that the know beneath takes the stress if somebody stretches anything, so that such tensile stress doesn't break one of the rings and so its slight (but rising) HF suppression characteristic, and so that the ring can at the same time serve as a permanent, rounded outlet to the lead going through it, so any stresses from any direction lead to approximate minimum shearing in all directions at the outlet, over the inner curvature of the ring.

No voids, eversosmall, would otherwise be allowed. The whole end product must be slowly poured from its corner, so as to eventually look like something preserved in amber.

Once you learn to do that sort of treatment in bulk, pipelined, you can easily turn out the circuits at a rate of some 30-50 per hour. If you really need to. They will be repeated-nuclear-strike-EMP survivable, you can feed them to your pet crocodile and have them work all the way through without loss of function, given a sturdy enough cable interfacing with the thing you can take hold of it and beat a grown man dead with your D/A/computerpack, you can dip the thing in most acids and and bases with no discernible damage, and not to mention, choosing your resin right, you can have your smallest of babies lick, chew and fondle at the thing, with no adverse health effects.

But it'd still go with my original, rather less expensive and involved design, using software to compensate for the timing inaccuracies of unmodified commodity hardware. ;)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - de...@iki.fi, http://decoy.iki.fi/front +358-40-3255353, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2
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