Dear Steven and Fons,

On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 6:22 PM Fons Adriaensen <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 10:29:12AM +0100, Steven Boardman wrote:
> > You may get a slightly better performance by up sampling the 8khz to
> > 44.1/48 before convolution with the hrtf.
> If the upsampling is any good it will not produce any signal above
> the original limit of 8 kHz. So this won't make any difference.
Since the rendering system only can produce 8kHz or 16kHz sound signal at
its output, therefore, if we upsample the input signal to 44.1 or 48kHz, we
have to downsample the 3D-processed signal to 8/16kHz. In this sense,
elevation cues are still missing.

> > In the post production world we sometimes use 'spectral recovery'
> > algorithms like in Izotope RX, to regain high frequency content lost from
> > remote recording sessions, with the likes of 'zoom'. This may get you a
> > little closer still.
> Unlikely. The 'recovered' HF content will not contain the original
> elevation cues. The only way this could help is in case the bandlimited
> signal appears elevated, adding some artificial HF may bring it back
> to horizontal where it probably should be. But the original info is
> lost anyway.
Yeah. It seems difficult to playback the elevation cues due to the lack of
the high frequencies.

> One way to recognise a signal as coming from an elevated source
> could be to analyse the distribution of early reflections. But
> I doubt very much if this would be a practical solution.
Do the early reflections contribute to elevation perception ?

Thanks again.

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