On Saturday, October 5, 2002, at 10:44  PM, C.E. Forman wrote:

> I remember this auction.  Gave up around $300 myself.  It's an Apple II
> version, right?  Smaller manual than the TRS-80, which is about the 
> size of
> an Infocom folio.  This is the only boxed PS Zork I've ever seen, 
> though I
> have a loose disk and manual.  Wonder how the heck it ended up in the 
> U.K.

        Yes, this is the Apple II version.  The disk is in working condition 
(I've since backed it up).

        This is what the seller told me:  "I mentioned working in 
Microdigital, Liverpool in a previous message... well, that was pretty 
much the first retail microcomputer outlet in the UK - Apple IIs being 
their main product - hence they used to sell the software too. It was 
around summer 1981 that I joined them. Not only was Zork still a 
Personal Software release back then, but Visicalc was one of theirs too 
- before they went their own way, like Infocom, and became Visicorp. 
These were the days when Microsoft's biggest product was probably the 
Z-80 & CP/M card/software they made for the Apple II!"

        He was a really nice guy and it tickled me to know that the price I 
paid him funded his and his girlfriend's vacation to Spain.  :)  I was 
recently reminded of all of this when I saw you comments on YOIS about 
wished you had bid more for this Zork.


Edward Franks

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