Ok, I created the xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<movie width="320" height="240" framerate="30">
 <background color="#ffffff"/>
  <clip id="spheres" import="library/spheres.png"/>

               <clip import="classes.swf"/>
               <call object="Main" method="main"/>

The code in classes.swf is suppoesed to animate the spheres.png takend from the assets. I still see the blank window when I launch the resulting application.swf file. Do I mis-compose the assets in the application.xml ?


On 5/19/06, daniel fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

it depends on your "Entry Point Method". You can
a) construct the swf containing your assets with swfmill, then use MTASC to compile "into" the swf, and use mtasc's -main (i'd call this "traditional")
b) compile the code first, generating "classes.swf", then import that using swfmill (<clip import="classes.swf"/>), likely calling main from swfml (<call object="Main" method="main"/>) ("swfmill as linker" or sth.)
c) not use main at all, but just couple classes to your <clip/>s (i think that's called "Natural" entry point method)

to probably make it clearer, what i do for swfmill's informal test is method b):

#mtasc -cp .../std -swf classes.swf -header 320:240:25 Main.as
#swfmill -v simple test.swfml output.swf

with a test.swfml of basically:
<movie width="450" height="270" framerate="15">
               <clip import="classes.swf"/>
               <call object="Main" method="main"/>

hope that helps, i'm sorry that swfmill docs are so sparse.


"Andrei Stebakov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > (on Fri, 19 May 2006 12:27:40 -0400):

> Hi,
> I just started with Flash and probably have the most stupid question...
> Looks like I miss one step how to actually link the swf file generated by
> swfmill and the sfw file generated by mtasc.
> I am looking at http://aralbalkan.com/index.php?p=373&more=1&c=1 (FAMES
> tutorial) and I can't understand how the application.swf generated by mtasc
> from application.as and application.swf generated from the xml file end up
> merged together?
> Any pointers are greatly appreciated!
> Andrew


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