"Andrei Stebakov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Fri, 19 May 2006 13:19:09 -0400):

  > Ok, I created the xml file:
  > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
  > <movie width="320" height="240" framerate="30">
  >  <background color="#ffffff"/>
  >  <frame>
  >  <library>
  >   <clip id="spheres" import="library/spheres.png"/>
  >  </library>
  >  </frame>
  >  <library>
  >                <clip import="classes.swf"/>
  >        </library>
  >        <frame>
  >                <call object="Main" method="main"/>
  >        </frame>
  > </movie>

  > The code in classes.swf is suppoesed to animate the spheres.png takend from
  > the assets. I still see the blank window when I launch the resulting
  > application.swf file. Do I mis-compose the assets in the application.xml?

apart from that you probably dont want two libraries and frames, the swfml 
looks alright. could you post your main class too, plz?



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