Hi Aaron!

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:03 PM, asmeurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.  My name is Aaron Meurer, and I would be interested in applying
> to work with sympy under the Google Summer of Code 2009.  I am
> currently a student at New Mexico Tech and am doubling majoring in
> Mathematics and Computer Science, and, as such, sympy looked like it
> would be a good project for me.  Of the project ideas that are listed
> for sympy, the one that looked the most interesting to me was the
> differential equations project.  I am currently taking Math 335
> Ordinary Differential Equations.

Thanks for your interest and sorry for my late reply. We just spent 3
full days hacking on sympy with Luke, I'll post a blog about it soon.

> I looked at the section of the sympy source that deals with solving
> differential equations and I must say that there is much potential
> work.  So far it only solves first order linear equations and


> equations of the type a*y''+b*y+c=0.  It doesn't even support simple
> separable equations! And not to mention Bernoulli, nth order
> homogeneous, homogeneous (the other meaning), exact... The list goes

Yes, it's very embarrassing. :)

> on.  This would be a good project because I could implement a little
> or a lot and it would still be complete (e.g., I could implement all
> of those things or just end up implementing separable and
> homogeneous), allowing for it to be difficult or easy for me.

That'd be really great. My roommate is also teaching differential
equations, so I know that it would be handy to be able to solve any
equation from the book.

> I have never developed for open source before, but I think that this
> would be a great opportunity to learn what it is like.

Absolutely! SymPy contains lots of contributions from people that have
never contributed to any opensource project before. All code has to be
reviewed, so we'll help you prepare the patches in the way, so that it
could be pushed in.

Looking forward,

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