On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 9:14 PM, asmeurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Laplace transforms are on your ideas list.  Pardon me if I am slightly
> ignorant, as we have just started learning about these, but part the
> thing that makes Laplace transforms so great for solving ODEs is that
> taking the Laplacian of a differential gives you back the initial
> conditions of the function (assuming the solution doesn't grow faster
> than e^x).  So far, dsolve doesn't even include a way to include
> initial conditions (another thing to implement).  But yes, taking the
> Laplacian of a regular function should be as simple as plugging it
> into the definition, assuming sympy's integration engine can support
> it (which it usually should, as most are just integration by parts
> with simple improper limits).
> But never mind that.  I think that I could fill a whole summer just
> implementing what I have already learned, especially considering
> things like variation of parameters and substitutions.
> I tried implementing that patch, but so far I am having a couple of
> stumbling blocks.  Pardon me again if I sound ignorant, but  as I have
> said, I have never worked with an open source project before.  I have
> also had very little experience with modules (basically, I was taught
> them, but I have never tried to make any, and so I have forgotten how
> they work).
> My problem is this:  how do I edit the source so I can test it.  So
> far, the only way I can see to do this is to reinstall with setup.py
> each time I make an edit, then reload python.  Aside from having many
> steps, this forces me to overwrite my released version of sympy with
> the version that I am working on, which I don't necessarily want to
> do.  Is there a way I can test this from a separate directory.  By the
> way, I am running Mac OS X 10.5.

You can either install all the time and there are some convenience
tools for that, e.g. setuptools inplace. I myself just develop in the
tree, e.g. just download the git version of sympy and "import sympy".

You execute tests using

bin/test sympy

> Also, as I predicted, I am having difficulties understanding the match
> function that the ODE solving functions use.  How exactly does this
> work?  As far as I can tell, it returns a dictionary of the variables
> of the function, but what are these set to.  I probably could figure
> this one out, but as I said above, I currently don't know how to test
> this very efficiently.

Just create a simple python script that imports sympy, put it into the
sympy root directory and you can experiment. Or use ipython.

> And of course, if I actually manage to churn out something that works,
> I have no idea how to submit it.



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