You can't compete with most banned substances in your system whether you have a
prescription or not.  If that were the case everybody would get prescriptions
for steroids, many of which are legitimate pharmaceuticals.

The deal with Lance is that he took the EPO as a legitimate part of his cancer
therapy.  Everybody knows he wasn't faking the cancer.  But assuming he used EPO
only legitimately, it would have been long cleared from his system, and any
increase in hemoglobin levels would have returned to normal long before he
resumed his racing career.  The goal of medical EPO therapy is to get the
hemoglobin UP TO normal levels, not above them.  Legitimate use of EPO is
prescribed when you are very sick and very anemic, not when you are pedaling
furiously up the Alps.  He would have been way too sick to compete back when he
was in the EPO phase of his treatments.


                      "Randy Treadway"                                          
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:                                               
                      >                           cc:                           
                      Sent by:                    Subject:  RE: t-and-f: Is 
anyone innocent?                                           
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
                      08/23/2005 03:15 PM                                       
                      Please respond to                                         
                      "Randy Treadway"                                          

I'm certainly no expert by any way of slicing it, but my understanding is that
there is a very long list of banned doping substances of many types, but
procedurally an athlete can also "declare" anything that is prescribed for a
medical condition, and as long as it is deemed legitimate by whoever looks at
those declarations, it's okay to compete with it in your system.
On the surface that would seem ripe for abuse- namely by those who would exploit
the medical situation (perhaps real, or perhaps a "cover") to excessively dope
for performance--enhancing purposes.
OR......and this is a much grayer area-
Let's say somebody has a real medical condition, is prescribed stuff to take-
DOES take it, and in only the prescribed dosage necessary to address the medical
condition- BUT......that dosage also has side effects- namely performance
enhancement.  Let's say the athlete has no choice whether to take it or not-
he/she has to because of the medical condition.
The athlete is receiving a benefit that competitors are forbidden to share.

Should the athlete be suspended from competition (not a negative connotation,
just practical) until the medical condition subsides enough that the dosage can
be discontinued?  Should there also be a 'grace period' of additional suspension
tacked on, to allow the dope to wash out of the body?  Should frequent
out-of-competition  testing continue THROUGHOUT this time, to monitor what's
going on with the athlete- and get the final 'green light' to return to

Right now, it would seem that most of these situations are unaddressed- they
just have that procedure to 'declare it, along with a doctor's prescription, and
you're clear'.  And everybody knows doctor's prescriptions can be bought.

Am I wrong?  What am I missing here?


-----Original Message-----
From: William Bahnfleth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Aug 23, 2005 4:53 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Is anyone innocent?

Best performance enhancer of all?  As Samuel Johnson (according to
Boswell) said,  "Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to
be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind
wonderfully."<font size=2>  Why not accept the explanation that
Armstrong was a different person mentally after surviving near-fatal
cancer (or was that just a cover)--not to mention the frequently cited
effect of significant weight reduction on his ability as a stage
racer?  Just too good to be true?  How does cancer
"conceal" EPO use, anyway--by reducing hemoglobin to normal
</font>Bill Bahnfleth<br><br>
At 01:43 PM 8/23/2005, Dan Kaplan wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">It's been suggested several
times on the list that his cancer was the<br>
perfect opportunity to "conceal" the best performance enhancer
of them all<br>
-- EPO -- used in cancer patients.  The Discovery special about him
a heart twice the size of average people is a much more appealing
--- "Martin J. Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:<br>
> He didn't do it natuarlly. He got cancer and that turned him into
> rider he is today.<br>
> <br>
> Martin J. Dixon, B. Math. (Hons), C.A.,<br>
> Millard Financial Consulting Inc.<br>
> P.O. Box 367<br>
> 96 Nelson Street<br>
> Brantford, Ontario<br>
> N3T 5N3<br>
> Direct Dial: (519) 759-3708 Ext. 231<br>
> Telephone: (519) 759-3511<br>
> Private Facsimile: (519) 759-8548<br>
> E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <br>
> Web site:
<a href=""; eudora="autourl"></a>
> <br>
> [Message delivered by NotifyLink]<br>
> <br>
> ----------Original Message----------<br>
> <br>
> From: "Ricky Quintana"
> Sent: Tue, August 23, 2005 12:01 PM<br>
> To:<br>
> Subject: t-and-f: Is anyone innocent?<br>
> <br>
> <br>
<a href=";prov=ap&amp;type=lgns
" eudora="autourl"></a>
> <br>
> The image that has always stuck in my mind is Lance Armstrong
> caught <br>
> and annihilated in a time trial by Miguel Indurain(not sure what
> but <br>
> it was prior to his string of wins and his bout with cancer).
Similar to<br>
> <br>
> what Armstrong did to Ulrich this year.<br>
> <br>
> I just can't believe that Armstrong could get to his status
> after <br>
> watching that time trial.<br>
> <br>
> I suggest anyone decrying their innocence submit a blood sample
> would <br>
> be frozen until more accurate testing is available.<br>
> <br>
> I wonder how many takers there would be.<br>
> <br>
> Ricky<br>
> <br>
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<div>William P. Bahnfleth, PhD, PE, Fellow ASHRAE</div>
<div>Professor of Architectural Engineering</div>
<div>Director, Indoor Environment Center</div>
<div>The Pennsylvania State University </div>
<div>104 Engineering Unit A</div>
<div>University Park, PA 16802 USA</div>
<div>voice: 814.863.2076 / fax: 814.863.4789 </div>
<div>e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]</div>
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