Wayside shrines and crosses are quite common here in Austria, and probably
in other parts of Europe too. They are mounted on posts (or pillars,
walls...) made of various materials (wood, stone...), or on trees. When
mounted on trees, I use a tag combination of historic=wayside_cross (or
_shrine) with natural=tree + species=* etc. and (if applicable) name=*. I
mapped a lot of these that way.

Therefore I felt kind of annoyed when someone created a wiki page for the
new and apparently synonymous tag historic=tree_shrine and immediately added
it to the map features without any preceeding usage or discussion. I
contacted him, but we didn't achieve a consensus.

In order to untangle that tagging issue, I would like to ask native English
speakers for their understanding of terms:

- How do you call a cross at a tree?
- How do you call a picture of a saint, or other shrine-like object, at a tree?
- Is the term "tree shrine" common?
- Is it considered a subset of the term "wayside shrine", i.e. can you refer
to a tree shrine as a wayside shrine?

If we come to the conclusion that "tree shrine" is the correct term and that
we therefore ought to tag them as historic=tree_shrine, some further
questions arise:

- Does it apply to crosses as well, or only to pictures and alike?
- Does historic=tree_shrine imply natural=tree?
- Is name=* the name of the tree or the name of the shrine/picture/cross?
What if they differ?
- Is start_date the birthdate of the tree or the date the shrine was made?

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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